181 E Brannon Rd Nicholasville Ky 40536
9am-5pm M-F

Back to School

Back to School

As I write this on August 1st we will be sending the kids back to school in just a few days.  All parents want their children to do well and excel in the classroom, so have you thought about what role vision plays in classroom performance?  Some...

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Since June is cataract awareness month I wanted to take some time to talk about what a cataract is and how it can affect your vision.  First some back ground, cataracts are the most common cause of vision loss in people over age 40.  Today...

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Allergy Eyes

How are you eyes feeling this spring?  Are they itchy, red and watery?  Are you not able to wear your contact lenses due to  the discomfort?  Living in Kentucky allergies are very common so don’t feel like you are alone, up to 50% of the US...

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Phone: 859 971-2211
Fax: 859 971-2213
181 E Brannon Rd Nicholasville Ky 40536